1. Home Info Archive

2024 MFA Terminal Project Exhibition
DITCH PROJECTS, Springfield, OR 
Exhibition #1 on view from May 3rd—May 12th, 2024
Exhibition #2 on view from May 17th—May 26th, 2024

Department of Art Faculty + Staff
Hiba Ali, Jonathan Bagby, Alida Bevirt, Sarah Blanchard, Michael Bray, Chad Bush, Rebecca Childers, Isami Ching, Colleen Choquette, Sonja Dahl, Jovencio de la Paz, Tannaz Farsi, Brian Gillis, Terry Haggerty, Rosy Hanssen, Damon Harris, Wendy Heldmann, Colin Ives, Sage Joshlin, Ron Jude, Anya Kivarkis, Kevin Kripper, Sylvan Lionni, Charlene, Liu, Christopher Michlig, Donald Morgan, John Park, Michael Rey, Jack Ryan, Risa Saevedra, Michael Salter, James Schauer, Jeremy Schropp, Reanna Schultz, Stacy Jo Scott, Rick Silva, Jeremy Smith, Gabie Strong, Jessica Swanson, Jessie Rose Vala, Laura Vandenburgh, Ty Warren, Claire Webb, Amanda Wojick

2023-24 Visiting Artist Lecture Series
Aurora Tang, Motomichi Nakamura, Gracelee Lawrence, Leslie Jones, Ari Melenciano, Sandy Rodriguez, Alfredo Jaar, Jesse Harrod, Robert Trafford, Julian Watts, B.Wurtz, Kahlil Robert Irving, Tallmadge Doyle, Angela Hennessy, Dionne Lee

Catalog and website design by FISK
Printing by Brown, Portland

University of Oregon
College of Design
School of Art + Design
Department of Art

5249 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5249
Office: Lawrence Hall, 254

IG: @uoartmfa

The University of Oregon is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request.